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injuries caused from working on your van

injuries caused from working on your van

by bugsy67 » Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:46 am
Just a bit of fun, to make all the pain go away :D

I had to get my steering box out the weekend, so that ment the dreaded steering wheel removal!!

I took the bolt off and gave the wheel a wiggle, nothing, so a gave it a hit with the palm of my hand from underneath the wheel. Well it shot off hitting me clean in the mouth and nose and gave me a nose bleed - :lol:

What injuries have you had today whilst fixing, cleaning or messing with your van?
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by Rippers » Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:04 pm
Lifted the front beam assembly and ripped a chest muscle took 6 months to heal, confidence is still knocked now to pick up heavy things.. not so funny I guess :( :lol:
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by nige1171 » Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:08 pm
injuries/mishaps sustained on other VW's too....

Swarf in the eye from grinding without goggles (removal at Hospital) :oops:
Brush painting the underside of my Beetle years ago with Hammerite I managed to pour half a tin of the stuff up the sleeve of my overalls :lol:
Minor burns from welding (to the groin area being most memorable) 8O
Slipping with the grinder and cutting wheel and going straight into my finger... :?
Lots of skinned knuckles and probably more I've forgotten :lol:

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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by ziggy » Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:20 pm
Bruised wallet :lol:
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by ade700 » Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:28 pm
for gods sake dont ask mossie to show you his 8O 8O 8O
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by matt d » Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:41 pm
Rippers wrote:Lifted the front beam assembly and ripped a chest muscle took 6 months to heal, confidence is still knocked now to pick up heavy things.. not so funny I guess :( :lol:
Should've got lodge to do it. :lol:
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by OP » Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:43 pm
I have 2 small scars on my right arm from the engine bay stay from both splits owned :lol:
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by massivesplitproject » Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:55 pm
I once had a 22mm spanner slip off the rear springplate and hit me in the eye and give me a shiner the day before I had to attend a wedding and meet all my mrs' friends for first time, set my foot on fire welding choc's safari tabs (literally foot on fire in my shoe could not walk for days after and took months to heal with numerous hospital visits). A lot of minor welding burns, and one time I had no engine lid stay so I tucked engine lid under tailgate, my mate lifted tailgate as I was welding framehorns and engine lid hit me directly on my kneecap :lol:
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by mik+nik » Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:52 pm
i've got plenty of weld burns(more to come with next round of welding), my dad slipped a disk on saturday helping me lift my engine onto the stand....ouch!!(been there and done that aswell)
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by kevsplitty » Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:45 am
ade700 wrote:for gods sake dont ask mossie to show you his 8O 8O 8O
I agree,ya don't wanna see that one 8O
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by Gaz2110 » Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:56 am
Hi all,

My worse injury was when lowering the back end of my old 61, spring plates almost welded to the splines, removed splines and plates and spent 3 hours beating the spline with a copper mallet and bronze drift. getting towards lunch so did not deburr the drift, hit hand with copper mallet cut forefinger, so I thought. could not stop the bleeding so wife used some of her wonder nursey stuff and I carried on after lunch. Next morning large track mark from small cut to inside of finger, heat and swelling. A&E and xray, outcome bronze shard 4mm x 2mm buried in my finger near the bone. Had infection starting so was admitted overnight, had to sit like a right plonker in a ward with the genuine sick with IV antibiotics with my finger in the air like I was calling the nurse!! Next morning the doctor visits me and informs me its close to the nerves and he wants to do an op under general and that I might lose some feeling if it goes wrong. I exclaimed that was my best podging finger and that he is having a laugh!! Finally after another day I force the local op route and I am out in 2 days!!!

Last year I broke my wife's toe when being recovered in the old 57. Van low. Fuel pump up the shoot so fuel up and down. wheels spun and plank used to get us on the loader shot out hitting the wife on the big toe as she was watching the exhaust, sadly she had sandals on! 6 weeks off work!! She never said a word for the 3 hour journey home, when we got out at home she limped up the drive and I remarked "what's the matter with you" Took me 2 days to get her sandal out of my ear!!

Made me laugh

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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by elliot101 » Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:36 pm
two trips to A&E to get metal dug out my eye with the massive needle from grinding without googles :roll:
grinded across my thumb with 1mm cutting disc when it snagged on a panel , went straight to the bone ,tried to get my misses to stitch me and she fainted lol another trip to A&E then !!!
blown up my extension lead putting large load though it welding , thought it looked quite cool so grabbed it without turning it off :oops: electric grabbed my arm and it felt like i was fighting a crocodile
looking back this could have killed me
then once had bus on the road smelt burning pulled over and started sniffing under the engine bay and touched the end of my nose on my very hot exhaust , gave me a massive blister on the end and looked like a total T%t for weeks :lol:
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by The Milky Barndoor Kid » Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:50 pm
great thread :-)

had loads but the funniest for me was around 2002 laying under the bus welding, could smell burning, anyway kept welding then saw some flickers of light reflecting from my chest, flipped up the welding shield to look down and see my chest on fire, im not talking a candle................ im talking flames licking the floor of the bus! I naturally go to sit up and hit my chest to put the fire out, but smack my head on the floor of the bus, then slide out quick and sit up to put the flames out before i had a chance flames singed the stubble on my face,!!! Then finally beat the flames out, checked my clothes to see the damage ....................big hole clean through my dickies overalls, then burnt big hole through my old blue jumper and had just started to singe/blacken my t shirt underneath!

I still laugh today about that, it was like something from frank spencer!!
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by Haycoxs » Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:55 pm
Deep cut - corner of engine lid decided to say hello to my skull. Hospital and glue etc (photo makes it look not too bad)
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Re: injuries caused from working on your van

by 63CorvairSplit » Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:12 pm
I thought i `d broke my arm last week tightening the bolts on the rear spring plate - using the short ratchett as i couldn`t be bothered to get the long breaker bar. Putting all the strength in my 'guns' into, i slipped and smashed my forearm into the edge of the rear arch - that made me feel sick!

Metal in my eye from grinding (with goggles on!) had to have it picked out with a needle down the hospital - lovely!

Picked up the grinder with cutting disc at the ready - switched it on and bam! Felt like i`d been uppercutted - Turned out the disc had a crack in it and half of it smashed into my chin at about 100mph. Luckily, i was wearing goggles. I try not to think about it hitting me in the throat. I now have a nice visible when clean shaven Indiana Jones scar on my chin!

Mutiple welding burns - the worst is when your wearing old trainers with no socks and the weld bits fall into your shoe - ouch, ouch!!

Numerous times - knocked the front of my head on the rear shock mount only to recoil and hit the back of my head on the concrete floor, only to recoil back forward and hit it again on the shock mount!! :drunken:

oh - i forgot - after i`ve lowered a van, i keep banging my head on the top of the door arches as i`m not used to it being so low!
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